Book Review of Eudora Space Kid: The Great Engine Room Takeover
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The Children’s Book Review

Eudora Space Kid
Written by David Horn
Illustrated by Talitha Shipman
Ages 6-10 | 98 Pages
Publisher: David Horn | ISBN-13: 9781736677407
What to Expect: Space, Adventure, STEM, Diversity, Breaking Rules
Bursting with humor, Eudora Space Kid: The Great Engine Room Takeover does a wonderful job of capturing the voice of a precocious third-grader.
Eudora loves science and engineering, and that’s lucky because she lives aboard the Astroliner Athena, the flagship of the Planetary Republic’s Astrofleet. Eudora has aliens for parents, a boring older sister, and a heap of curiosity about everything. There’s nothing she wants more in life than to become an officer on the Athena. The only problem is that the grown-ups around her just don’t appreciate her experiments! When happens when you drop a pumpkin into the engine-works? Is it really so difficult to fire the plasma guns? And, most importantly of all, can she make the ship break the intergalactic speed record by adjusting the hyperdrive? In trying to find out, Eudora learns even more important lessons—about honesty, responsibility, and caring for others.
Eudora is fun, easy to relate to, and intelligent. As she tells her story, readers are invited to share in her curiosity, her passion for knowledge and STEM, and her frustration with the grown-ups around her. Together with Talitha Shipman’s quirky cartoon-like illustrations, the first-person narration helps bring to life an exotic future in which school can happen on a spaceship and kids can have aliens for parents. As well as being fun, however, the story shares an important message about why rules are important and the necessity of tempering curiosity with responsibility.
Eudora Space Kid: The Great Engine Room Takeoveris a great story for facilitating discussion about these topics, as well as just reading for fun!
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About the Author
David Horn is a huge science fiction fan. While his wife sometimes feels like they live in outer space, they really live in New Jersey with their two human daughters and one doggy daughter named Trixie.
David loves reading science fiction books from both the old and new greats like Asimov, McDevitt, Scalzi, Howey, and more. He also loves reading his kids’ books like My Weird School, Just Grace, The Baby-Sitters Club, Ramona, and the list goes on.
David and his daughters also love watching sci-fi shows like Star Trek, Babylon 5, Stargate, and Star Wars.
Eudora Space Kid started as stories he told his daughters at dinner. They loved Eudora’s antics in space. So now The Great Engine Room Takeover is his first book in the Eudora Space Kid early reader chapter book series. He can’t wait for you to love Eudora’s stories too.
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