Following in the footsteps of the hilarious first Eudora Space Kid book, The Lobster Tale is just as funny and exciting as its predecessor.
Year: 2022
Finley and the Big Bad Shark is the perfect length for a read-aloud for younger readers and a wonderful discussion prompt for older readers.
There are a lot of books for kids about snot, but not so many that combine humor, instruction, and great storytelling the way Running of the Noses does.
Wild Survival: Crocodile Rescue is a cunning blend of real science and fictional adventure story with enough action to keep any reader hooked.
Filled with heartbreakingly detailed memories, Boy from Buchenwald invites readers to vicariously experience Waisman’s own process of healing and moving on.
Build Your Own Boardgame: Adventure Game Edition walks readers through every step of creating a unique and personalized adventure board game.
How to Set the World on Fire by T.K. Riggins is enjoyable and uplifting, perfect for fans of traditional fantasy adventures.
Sweet, authentic, funny, and relatable, this romance is nothing short of heartwarming. This is a captivating love story – well worth reading!
Multi-award-winning illustrator and author David Litchfield talks about his artwork in Cress Watercress, a novel written by Greogory Maguire.
My Old Friend, Then The Children’s Book Review My Old Friend, Then is a gentle, lovely introduction to mindfulness for…