Buzzworthy Mentions on the Path to Growing Readers!
Thanks to all those who have provided The Children’s Book Review a voice over the years. There are so many great books and educational media engagement opportunities for kids and young adults. Growing readers is our mission, and we welcome opportunities to do just that!
Featured by Association For Library Services to Children
Official listing in Great Websites for Kids program.

Featured by Feedspot
Currently ranked as one of the top destinations for Childrens Book Blogs and Websites for Parents, Teachers and Kids.

Featured in Woman’s World Magazine
Provided professional recommendations to readers.

Featured in Woman’s World Magazine
Provided professional recommendations to readers.

Featured in Woman’s World Magazine
Provided professional recommendations to readers.

Featured in The Huffington Post
Provided editorial for post titled, Best Kids Books for Dog Lovers
Featured by Carole P. Roman, Author
Interview regarding first book, 101 Books for Kids Before You Grow Up
American Library Association, NEWS For Immediate Release
November 4, 2008. ALSC announces exceptional Web sites for children … The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association, has added Web sites this fall to Great Web Sites for Kids … “Not all Web sites for kids are created equal,” said Karen Lemmons, co-chair of the committee and a library media specialist at Howe Elementary School in Detroit. “To make the cut and appear on the Great Web sites for Kids, a site must demonstrate commendable quality and reflect and encourage young people’s interests in exemplary ways. Sites must stand up to an evaluation and voting process by the committee before being deemed ‘great’ and added to the GWS page.” ALSC’s GWS Committee voted to add … The Children’s Book Review.
Special Mentions From Children’s Book Review Fans!
“New” blog alert. I never seem to catch these things when they first come out. In any case, there’s a new blogger in town at a site called The Children’s Book Review. I’m fond of the Aussie creator’s reviewing style. This one’s got style.
—Elizabeth Bird, A Fuse #8 Production, School Library Journal
I’m so grateful for your deep, thoughtful reading and very positive recommendation.
—Susan Patron, Newbery Award-Winning Author
I love Bianca Schulze, because Bianca Schulze’s wonderful review appeared on Dessert’s official publication day!
—Hallie Durrand, author of Dessert First. A.K.A (in regular life) Holly McGhee, Pippin Properties: literacy agency.
We love the post you made on your blog about our Tickle Monster book. Everyone around the office has been gushing about how well written and thorough it was! We truly appreciate your work!
—The Compendium Team
Buzzworthy and Fun Partnerships!
Chronicle Books holiday #GiveBooks campaign, 2013