Over the past month, the most popular kids series sold was Ginger Rue’s Aleca Zamm series.
Author: Bianca Schulze
Get to know Claudia from Kristin Levine’s The Jigsaw Jungle—a moving story of a family lost and then found, with a dash of mystery and loads of heart.
We have made just one update on this best selling young adult book list. Here you’ll discover five books that we’re highlighting from The New York Times’ best selling hardcover young adult list.
The Children’s Book Review About The Captain No Beard Books Captain No Beard: An Imaginary Tale Of A Pirate’s Life Captain No Beard and his pirate ship The Flying Dragon set sail for a voyage of the imagination with his fearless crew of four: First Mate Hallie, Mongo the Monkey, Linus the loudmouthed lion, and Fribbit the floppy frog. Normally a young boy named Alexander, his cousin Hallie, and three stuffed animals, once they board his bed their world is transformed into a magical vessel, sailing the seven seas on dangerous and exciting adventures! Captain No Beard – An Imaginary Tale of…
The Children’s Book Review Are you ready to read an uplifting story that explores the wonders of books? Introducing the latest book in the Liv on Life series created by mother-daughter authors Elizabeth and Liv Gorcey. In Read, Read, Read, the pair have crafted a gentle and gratifying tale that couples delightfully with line illustrations—the splashes of soft pastel colors combined with earthy brown and red tones give the story a sense of warmth and softness. About the Liv on Life Series Read, Read, And Read: Liv On Life Series Written by Elizabeth Gorcey & Liv Illustrated by Kajiah Jacobs Publisher’s Synopsis: Liv’s love…
For the month of August, Stacy McAnulty’s The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl tops off our best selling middle grade book list from our affiliate store.
The Children’s Book Review A heroine for children everywhere, smart, sassy, fearless Fiona will steal readers’ hearts and give them the courage to face whatever challenges they might have in their own lives. Born premature and unexpected to live, Fiona, a hippo from Cincinnati Zoo, has stolen the hearts of many with her story of perseverance! This story is a spirit lifter for sure—especially for animal lovers. Age Range: 4-8 Hardcover: 32 pages Fiona the Hippo By Richard Cowdrey Publisher’s Synopsis: Fiona the Hippo, by New York Times bestselling artist Richard Cowdrey of Bad Dog, Marley fame, tells the story of Fiona,…
Girls Resist!: A Guide to Activism, Leadership, and Starting a Revolution: An activism handbook for teen girls ready to fight for change, social justice, and equality.
We’ve picked 13 middle grade books that we think are some of the best new books for preteens and tweens that released during the month of May.
We have selected 13 excellent picture books as the best of May.