Find our what inspired Honey R. Adewole to write Materbeampater.
Author: Bianca Schulze
The Children’s Book Review | February 28, 2017 Get ready for a rainy-day adventure with Duck and Hippo! Age Range: 3-7 Hardcover: 32 pages Duck and Hippo in the Rainstorm Written by Jonathan London Illustrated by Andrew Joyner Publisher’s Synopsis: Get ready for a rainy-day adventure with Duck and Hippo! Duck and Hippo may be completely different, but they are best friends. When playful Duck invites careful Hippo to go for a walk in the rain, they have trouble sharing Duck’s umbrella. But Duck and Hippo won’t let that stop them. Soon they are puddle-jumping and sailing down the river! Until…WHOOOSH! A terrible…
Award-winning author Carole P. Roman takes readers to northeastern Europe to see what it’s like to live in Germany in this latest installment in her famed travel series.
Get to know Little Fox from Stephanie Graegin’s Little Fox in the Forest, a charming story about two friends who follow a young fox deep into the woods and discover a wondrous and magical world.
Hawaiian locals and visitors always enjoy spotting endangered Hawaiian monk seals, but Honey Girl is an extra special case.
Hawaiian locals and visitors always enjoy spotting endangered Hawaiian monk seals, but Honey Girl is an extra special case. Age Range: 5-8 Hardcover: 32 pages Honey Girl: The Hawaiian Monk Seal Written by Jeanne Walker Harvey Illustrated by Shennen Bersani Publisher’s Synopsis: Hawaiian locals and visitors always enjoy spotting endangered Hawaiian monk seals, but Honey Girl is an extra special case. She has raised seven pups, and scientists call her Super Mom. After Honey Girl is injured by a fishhook, she gets very sick. Scientists and veterinarians work to save Honey Girl until she can be released back to her beach. This true story will…
Join Jeanne Walker Harvey for the Honey Girl: The Hawaiian Monk Seal blog tour …
By turns heart-stopping and hilarious, The Blazing Bridge brings the Blood Guard trilogy to a surprising, clever, and altogether thrilling conclusion.
There is no doubt that If You Were Me and Lived On … Mars will make an excellent addition to the home library of any young astronomers.
Here at The Children’s Book Review, our goal is to help grow young readers. Below is a useful infographic that showcases the benefits of reading to young children.