The Children’s Book Review | November 11, 2014 About Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Pop-Up Book Start a new holiday family reading tradition with a delightful pop-up retelling of the beloved Christmas special. Just in time for its 50th anniversary, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is now a stunning pop-up book that will be treasured for generations to come. All of the classic characters join Rudolph for his North Pole adventure: Hermey the elf/aspiring dentist, Yukon Cornelius, and the doe-eyed Clarice. The impressive large-scale pop-ups re-create classic scenes using actual movie stills. Fly along with Rudolph, join in the reindeer games, flee from the…
Author: Bianca Schulze
John Rocco discusses his newest picture book, Blizzard, the companion to his Caldecott Honor-winning Blackout.
This month’s little peek into what TCBR readers have been most interested in shows the book trends are following the upcoming season with “20 of the Best Christmas Books,” “Kids Thanksgiving Books,” and the “Best New Kids Books!”
Jane Hanser is the writer behind the blog Her first book carries the same namesake and we got to chat with Hanser about the endearing Dogs Don’t Look Both Ways and the behind-the-scenes steps she took to create this joyful read.
With a humorous voice and multiple anecdotes, Joey, a chocolate Labrador who enjoys digging and escaping beyond his home’s fence, provides an entertaining narration for both children and adults.
The After House is a well-developed and relatively quick read with solid characters. Cash fans will no doubt love this latest chiller that also manages to warm the heart.
Once again, The Lets-Read-and-Find-Out Science series is our best selling kids series this month and offers wonderful selections for seasonal science and beyond.
This month, everything remains the same on our hand-picked list from the Best Selling Young Adult list—including The Children’s Book Review’s number one best selling young adult book is The Children’s Homer: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy.
This month we have some truly intelligent fiction for our middle grade readers that really are must-reads. The Children’s Book Review’s best selling middle grade book is a regular on the list: Star Wars: A Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy, by Matthew Reinhart.
The colder months in the Northern Hemisphere are upon us and it’s reflected in this list of best selling picture books. As per usual, we’ve shared our hand selected titles of the most popular picture books.