Author: Bianca Schulze

Bianca Schulze is the founder of The Children’s Book Review. She is a reader, reviewer, mother and children’s book lover. She also has a decade’s worth of experience working with children in the great outdoors. Combined with her love of books and experience as a children’s specialist bookseller, the goal is to share her passion for children’s literature to grow readers. Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, she now lives with her husband and three children near Boulder, Colorado.

Nancy Pearl has worked as both a librarian and a bookseller and is the librarian equivalent of Wonder Woman. She has been gifted with a wide range of superhuman powers; including, but not limited to, a natural ability to book talk. We’re so honored to have spoken with Wonder Woman herself and we are delighted to share her excellent book suggestions.

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Eric C. Jackson is a graduate from The Art Institute of California where he evenly split time studying Digital Photography and Graphic Design. He talked to TCBR about his latest endeavor, using his design skills, he has created a wordless children’s picture book that he hopes will have children laughing and smiling.

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