Add this book to your collection: Perfect Square Have you read this book? Rate it: [ratings]
Author: Bianca Schulze
Here are two incredible kids’ books about September 11 to read with your kids and open up discussion about these tragic events.
Add this book to your collection: Tumford the Terrible Have you read this book? Rate it: [ratings]
Share your love for endangered animals with your child by reading this book and talking about it together—especially before a trip to the zoo, to encourage your child to look more closely at the animals.
Add this book to your collection: All These Things I’ve Done Have you read this book? Rate it: [ratings]
Llama Llama Home With Mama by Anna Dewdney.
Llama Lama Home with Mama boasts the same bestselling rhythm and intonation as the rest of the Llama Llama books that are library and home staples to so many.
THE ICE VEIL TALES is a series of 12 fantasy/adventures with 50 colorful illustrations that show kids how to be happy no matter what!
From Dictionaries to a grammar guide to a book of homographs, the following list of books features some of our favorite school tools and brain ticklers…
Book Spotlight: Now I Am in KindergartenThe Children’s Book Review Now I Am in Kindergarten Written by Delane Pennington Illustrated by Marilee Harrald-Pilz Ages: 4+ | 32 Pages Publisher: Annotation Pr | ISBN-13: 978-1599770147 What to Expect: School Now I Am in…Kindergarten, first in a series of grade-level memory books, allows parents and children to partner together to create a meaningful, attractive record of the first year of school. The book includes pages for your child’s writing and math samples at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year, drawings, photographs of special friends and events, and lists of…