Author: Bianca Schulze

Bianca Schulze is the founder of The Children’s Book Review. She is a reader, reviewer, mother and children’s book lover. She also has a decade’s worth of experience working with children in the great outdoors. Combined with her love of books and experience as a children’s specialist bookseller, the goal is to share her passion for children’s literature to grow readers. Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, she now lives with her husband and three children near Boulder, Colorado.

Book Spotlight: Now I Am in KindergartenThe Children’s Book Review Now I Am in Kindergarten Written by Delane Pennington Illustrated by Marilee Harrald-Pilz Ages: 4+ | 32 Pages Publisher: Annotation Pr | ISBN-13: 978-1599770147 What to Expect: School Now I Am in…Kindergarten, first in a series of grade-level memory books, allows parents and children to partner together to create a meaningful, attractive record of the first year of school. The book includes pages for your child’s writing and math samples at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year, drawings, photographs of special friends and events, and lists of…

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