Bonyo Bonyo: The True Story of a Brave Boy from Kenya is a must-read for every American child. In the land of plenty, it’s vital to remind yourself and your children of how lucky they are to live in a country where education is considered a human right.
Author: Bianca Schulze
The theme is love, but of course. “The giving of love is an education in itself.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Here’s the scoop on the most popular destinations on The Children’s Book Review site, the most coveted new releases and bestsellers.
Book Spotlight: Jack & Mops Magical Adventures: Pumpkins and Particle Widgets The Children’s Book Review Jack & Mops Magical Adventures: Pumpkins and Particle Widgets Written by Pamella Paizs Illustrated by Nancy Spain Ages: all | 103 Pages Publisher: New Thoughts Publishing | ISBN-13: 9780615383781 What to Expect: Magic, Adventure Join Jack and Mops on their magical adventures after listening to their neighbor, Mrs. Bentley, telling them fascinating stories about the hidden magic to be found in Hampstead Green when she was growing up. Dwarfs, fairies, wizards, and talking animals were part of the day as well as places invisible to grownups.…
These picture books offer solid introductions into the Chinese New Year and are then followed by some good-old bunny tales to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit.
First book in new series for children highlights Redcoats, revolution, and heroism as two young sisters summon up the courage to do their part in revolutionary America
Add this book to your collection: Interrupting Chicken Have you read this book? Rate it: [ratings]
A very fun season: Ice skating, skiing, sledding, building snowmen—or snow-ladies—and the perfect excuse for some good-old hibernation. Definition of hibernation: staying inside watching movies, playing board games, and reading books.
The reasons for having an e-reader, and the benefits supplied by them, are endless. The Huffington Post reports e-book readers and applications are one of the fastest growing trends with more than six million devices sold in 2010.
This is an exciting children’s book of Macy the Cat and Alice that take a heart warming trip to the beach.