Book Spotlight: Il était une Fois une MaisonThe Children’s Book Review Il était une Fois une Maison Written by Dulce Rodrigues Ages: 7-12 | 40 Pages Publisher: Barry4Kids Lonely, lost somewhere in the middle of nature and forgotten by everybody, a House has one day the joy of seeing different guests coming little by little with the seasons and building there a new life… Mrs Spider, Mrs and Mr Mouse, Mrs Duck and her ducklings, then the big gray and white Cat, the Ewe, even the Ants and the Bees, all this little community shares this same place and lives…
Author: Bianca Schulze
‘Wow, What A Ride!’ will surely help create new memories that children and families will cherish forever.
Lian Tanner is a children’s author and playwright. She has worked as a teacher in Australia and Papua New Guinea , as well as a tourist bus driver, a freelance journalist, a juggler, a community arts worker, an editor, and a professional actor.
We are pleased to introduce you to W.J. Brutocao, author of The Basking Shark Rescue Team—a fast-paced tale that emphasizes tolerance, an appreciation of nature and the value of understanding our differences.
There’s the silly, the spooky, the scary, and everything in between. No tricks here—only treats!
Knuffle Bunny Free: An Unexpected Diversion. The third book in the bestselling Knuffle Bunny series.
The Basking Shark Rescue Team provides readers with the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of a misunderstood boy with ADD.
Word of the month is Hoopla: n. a big exciting event where everyone is making a noisy fuss.
We have three copies of the lovely Barry’s Adventure to giveaway. Each one will be signed by the author, Dulce Rodrigues.
This book is about a pet dog, Barry, a very especial dog indeed, since he was born on the day his young “bosses” Gustavo and Eduardo celebrated their tenth birthday.