This picture book teaches behavioral regulation for children and families in need of coping strategies in an inviting and enjoyable manner.
Author: Bianca Schulze
Chad Sell’s first children’s graphic novel was The Cardboard Kingdom, which he illustrated and co-wrote with a team of ten collaborators. Doodleville is his first full-length solo project.
A kidnapping, a banished sorcerer, and the protagonist’s desire to be loved and find a place to call home make this an exciting and action-filled story that will very likely appeal to fans of the fantasy genre.
These recommendations are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the books you could be adding to your libraries or reading lists, helpful resources, or ways you can promote inclusivity through literacy.
Think Outside the Box is exactly the picture book that you didn’t know you needed. It’s full of excellent life lessons and encouragement.
Think Outside the Box unlocks the key to applying creativity to daily life and turning any problem or worry inside out.
Our Friendship Matters is punctuated by a message of hope that there is a future and a way forward through the problem of racial injustice.
Written by Grammy-winning Terry Abrahamson, whose work has been performed by everyone from Oprah Winfrey to Prince, The Blues Parade takes two friends, Pork Chop and One-Nose Willie, through the history of Blues music.
From book reviews and lists for all ages to literacy tips and book giveaways, here are the top ten list of kids books and literacy articles that have been trending on The Children’s Book Review . . .
This month, the book that tops off the best selling middle-grade book list from our affiliate store is a title included in the list of 12 Kids Books That Are Inspiring The Next Generation Of Activists!