This month the best selling picture book from our affiliate store is the fantastic Grumpy Monkey! Highly Recommended!
Author: Bianca Schulze
An introvert seeking acceptance from his parents discovers meaningful friendship and a solid sense of himself in New York Times bestselling author Sara Pennypacker’s middle-grade novel, Here in the Real World.
Ged Adamson’s picture books include A Fox Found a Box; Douglas, You Need Glasses!; Shark Dog!; Ava and the Rainbow (Who Stayed); and Bird Hugs!
Captain “Bad” Breaker tells the story of a pilfering pirate with a penchant for poor choices.
Aye-Aye Gets Lucky is a fun choice for animal lovers and budding conservationists.
If spreading kindness is important to you—and we hope it is—Dynomike: Pay it Forward is a winner. It’s upbeat, cheery, and full of high-fives!
Mirela Roznoveanu is a native of Romania who immigrated to the United States. Here she discusses her latest book, A Magic Journey to Things Past.
We know a good book when we see one. In 2019, we saw 14 of them that we’re happy to call the best young adult books of 2019!
In our list of the best kids chapter books and novels of 2019—perfect for ages 6 through 14—you’ll find a fantastic and colorful selection of realism, historical fiction, fantasy, non-fiction, and even a joke book!
I recommend reading the following Holocaust stories with your children. As I said above: We must not forget. We must remember. And we must not repeat!