This is The Secret Spiral of Swamp Kid by writer and illustrator Kirk Scroggs, and you’ll never look at middle school the same way again.
Author: Bianca Schulze
Recently awarded the Gold Mom’s Choice award, Matt Monroe and the Haunted House is an action packed adventure for children ages 9-12.
If reading a book about kids with special powers, who reside in a town that is home to a haunted house, sounds thrilling to you, then Matt Monroe and the Haunted House could be exactly what you are looking for.
Sponsored* The Children’s Book Review | October 1, 2019 Brad Was Sad Written by M.C. Goldrick Illustrated by Rebecca Alexander Age Range: 4-8 Paperback: 32 pages Publisher: MotherButterfly Books (2019) ISBN: 978-1-989579-02-2 What to Expect: Emotions, Self-Awareness, Rhyme Brad Was Sad is a rhyming picture book that safely explores emotions. Brad discovers an inner strength to own his feelings and self-regulate. On the opening page, Brad sits with his dog Plaid. Brad is feeling sad because his dad got really mad. An illustration shows Brad’s dad stepping on Lego-style blocks scattered on the floor. Next, Brad feels grumpy because his mom…
The Children’s Book Review | September 30, 2019 Halloween is the perfect time to read books that empower kids. Here’s why… One of the best parts about dressing up for Halloween is that kids get to experience the empowerment that comes from trying on new personas! Carole P. Roman’s Can a Princess Be a Firefighter? imparts this exact message by encouraging kids to pursue their dreams and to also try new things. Plus, it provides plenty of Halloween costume inspiration. The Halloween season is also a great time of year to explore fears through a little spooky storytelling or even becoming…
From book reviews and lists for all ages to literacy tips and book giveaways, here’s the top ten list of kids books and literacy articles that have been trending on The Children’s Book Review . . .
This month, the book that tops off the best selling middle grade book list from our affiliate store is a book from our list 5 Books to Help Kids Find Calm Through Breathing and Visualization: Mindful Me: Mindfulness and Meditation for Kids by Whitney Stewart.
This month the best selling picture book from our affiliate store is a book from our list 11 Kids’ Books on Dealing with Loss, Grief, Illness and Trauma, A Terrible Thing Happened.
The Children’s Book Review | September 30, 2019 It’s the perfect season for stories of monsters and witches… We think you’re going to love this Halloween-perfect giveaway! If you’re a regular around here, you know that we’re big fans of Michael Okon’s thrilling and chilling stories. In Witches Protection Program, Okon creates a rousing, tongue-in-cheek alternate reality where witches cast spells and wreak havoc in modern-day New York City. In Monsterland and Monsterland Reanimated, Okon has unleashed stories worthy of being the next YA sensations for fans of terrifying tales that are wholly engrossing, spine-tingling thrillers. About the Books Witches Protection Program Written…
Kelly has hit a dinger (a home run) with the latest addition to the series, Ballpark Mysteries Super Special #4: The World Series Kids.