Growing Readers Column: Learning to Love Reading and Writing
Did you know that you could boost your child’s intelligence, confidence, and social-emotional skills by ensuring that reading books is a part of their day-to-day life?
In our Growing Readers column, Lizzie Mussoline, M. Ed. provides terrific tips to help improve and grow literacy skills. Reading and writing every day can make a massive difference to a child’s success at school and in life. In each article, there are so many fun, easy, and organic tips and tricks to help parents and caregivers weave a little reading and writing practice into the day. You can adapt these ideas easily to any age and grade level. Follow along and be prepared to have an excited and motivated reader on your hands.
Check out the following articles to get started:
Literacy Tips and Activities That Work for Families
How to Prepare for a Successful School Year
How to Make Book Recommendations and Boost Literacy Skills in the Process
If you try out any of the Growing Readers tips and tricks, we’d love you to share your thoughts. We’d love to hear about your literacy woahs, triumphs, and hardships. Let us know how we can help. You can find us on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook with #thechildrensbookreview. Read on, fearless readers!
Tips For Improving Your Child's Reading And writing Skills
Learning animal sounds is more than just a fun activity for children – it plays a crucial role in their early development.
Why Re-reading the Same Book Over and Over Again is Okay: it’s important to understand that this behavior is not only normal but can be incredibly beneficial.
Did you know that there are some easy, simple ways to prepare your kiddo to become a lifelong reader—before they even start Kindergarten?
What is Social Emotional Learning? Why is it important? How can we support it at home? SEL can be directly connected to the books your children are exposed to.
How Do You Deal with a World That Feels Scary? Here are a few tips on instilling more love in your family when the world around us needs it the most.
Here are some fun tips on how to organically add in a little literacy while getting a mental health boost with outside time, too!
In our latest column we have six amazing ways to spread love and grow literacy skills in the month of February and beyond.
Set new reading goals for a new year! It’s always a good idea to get back to daily habits that may have slipped during the busier times of the year.
The Kids’ Booklist that Smashes Gender Stereotypes! The following book recommendations are wonderful discussion starters.
This month’s column includes a lot of fun activities that will teach kids to love who you are through reading and writing.
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