The Children’s Book Review | November 14, 2013
If You Were Me and Lived in … Kenya: A Child’s Introduction to Culture Around the World
Paperback: 30 pages
Age Range: 3-7
Publisher: CreateSpace (October 24, 2013)
What to expect: Kenya, Places, Language, Culture
If you’re ready to zoom off to another country on a new continent, then bestselling author Carol P. Roman has got you covered and you don’t even have to pack a bag. In her latest picture book addition to the “If You Were Me and Lived In …” series, readers are taken on a whirlwind tour of Kenya with a kids-point-of-view introduction to cultural experiences and lifestyle.
As in all the other books in this informative series, the topics covered are children’s names and games, currency, food, places to visit and festivals to participate in. By providing boys and girls names and what you would call your mom and dad and by using children as the narrators, Roman enables young readers to become a part of the experience. New words in a foreign language can be fun to learn and the pronunciation page at the back of the book is a great tool for encouraging this. Roman is a master at selecting the fun and exciting events that garner the attention of young minds, as well as including the day-to-day events like school and eating that provide familiarity—by including both kinds of activities, Roman showcases both diversity and sameness. With her background as a social studies teacher, Roman’s know-how for discussing the world around us with children trickles from the pages with ease and in-turn makes it easy for caregivers and teachers to open up dialogue on geography and history at an entry level. The illustrations always show happy faces and, if your imagination allows it, you can almost hear some great rhythmic tribal music beating behind the pages.

As with all of the other books in this series, it is recommended for curious children, travellers, and parents and teachers that understand the benefits of exposing children to culture. Thank you, Carole P. Roman, for encouraging civic competence amongst our children, the future of our world.
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If You Were Me and Lived in … Mexico: A Child’s Introduction to Cultures Around the World
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