Need a funny bedtime book that will stealthily bring on a snooze and still have your child asking to hear it night after night? Look no further than The Yawns Are Coming! In our ninth installment of the “Learn to Draw on TCBR” series, New York Times bestselling illustrator Christopher Eliopoulos teaches us how to draw a Yawn from his latest picture book.
Grab a pencil and a sketchbook, and let’s learn to draw together!
We hope you’ll share your drawings with us on Instagram by using #learntodrawonTCBR and #theyawnsarecoming. You can tag us, too: @thechildrensbookreview and @penguinkids.
The Yawns Are Coming!
Written and Illustrated by Christopher Eliopoulos
Publisher’s Synopsis: Kids will be giggling through their own yawns as they enjoy this contagiously adorable bedtime story by the New York Times bestselling illustrator of the Ordinary People Change the World books.
Two best friends have big plans for their sleepover. They aren’t going to go to bed at all–they’ll stay up playing all night long. But then it happens: The YAWNS show up! And as much as they try to outrun and hide from them, it’s no use: The Yawns catch them. Maybe they could keep going anyway, but then a DOZE arrives . . . followed by the dreaded SNORES. Will our heroes escape the SLEEPIES?
Need a funny bedtime book that will stealthily bring on a snooze and still have your child asking to hear it night after night? Look no further than The Yawns Are Coming!
Ages 4-8 | Publisher: Dial Books | April 28, 2020 | ISBN-13: 978-1984816306
Available Here
About the Author-Illustrator

Christopher Eliopoulos is the illustrator of the New York Times bestselling Ordinary People Change the World series of picture book biographies. He began his illustration career as a letterer for Marvel and has worked on thousands of comics, including his own Cosmic Commandos and Monster Mayhem graphic novels. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and their identical twin sons (when the boys are home from college).
Discover more books like ‘The Yawns Are Coming!,’ written and illustrated by Christopher Eliopoulos, by checking out our reviews and articles tagged with Bedtime Stories, Christopher Eliopoulos, Humorous Books, Picture Book, Sleepover Books, Yawning and Learn to Draw.