The Children’s Book Review
Published: April 6, 2013
Lulu and the Duck in the Park.
Reading level: Ages 7-10
Paperback: 104 pages
Lulu loves animals. When Lulu finds a duck egg that has rolled out of its nest, she takes it to class to keep it safe. Lulu isn’t allowed to bring pets to school. But she’s not really breaking the rules because it’s just an egg. Surely nothing bad will happen. . .
About the Author
Hilary McKay was born in Boston, Lincolnshire and is the eldest of four girls. From a very early age she read voraciously and grew up in a household of readers. Hilary says of herself as a child “I anaesthetised myself against the big bad world with large doses of literature. The local library was as familiar to me as my own home.” One of the best things about being a writer, says Hilary, is receiving letters from children. She wishes that she had written to authors as a child, but it never occurred to her to contact them. Hilary now lives in a small village in Derbyshire with her family. When not writing Hilary loves walking, reading, and having friends to stay.
For more information, visit: http://www.hilarymckay.co.uk/
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My granddaughter would love this one. Thanks for the opportunity.
Carol L
Congratulations to our winner: Irene Menge. Enjoy!