Bumble Bees: Buzzing, Beautiful, Beneficial, Big Bees is an informative book that focuses on the science behind bumblebees.
Browsing: Bees
Bumble bees is not only a fun, informative book, but it’s also an important one. We adults can’t allow the next generation to grow up afraid and ignorant of the role that wild bees play in our lives.
In “The Bees Are Gone” author Jim Wohlbach explains the collapse of the bee population and the consequences that the disappearance of the bees will have on our existence.
Spring is here, the season of regeneration that brings plenty of flowers with nectar which worker bees gather and convert into honey. The Children’s Book Review’s best selling picture book for this month is full of information on the wonderful and very much under-appreciated honeybees, The Life and Times of the Honeybee by Charles Micucci.