Immerse yourself in the magical story of Saving the Sun by Emma Pearl and Sara Ugolotti by joining us for this virtual book tour.
Browsing: Book Giveaway
You have a chance to win a Middle Grade Book Bundle from Jolly Fish Press! It’s a perfect opportunity to discover some amazing new books.
Holly’s adventure in the city is sure to tug at your heartstrings! She’s a lovable pit bull who just wants to find a home and some food.
Tales of Magic, Healers and Heroes: Discover nine inspiring stories of healers who spread happiness and hope in their magical adventures.
Enter this book giveaway for your chance to win a hardcover copy of The Most Important Animal of All! Seven children champion an animal for the top spot.
Join us on the virtual book tour for Vivienne in Paris by Maria Castellucci Moore. Ooh, la, la! Vivienne in Paris is beautiful, joyful, and a feel-good story.
Join us on the virtual book tour for Rebecca Laxton’s novel for tweens and teens, The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry! Enter the giveaway for a chance to win!
Enter this giveaway for your chance to win an autographed copy of Colorful and a Colorful Journal with a personalized note inside!
In this stunning debut novel from Christine Day, Edie discovers a box of letters that uncover secrets that will lead her to find her Native American identity.
Josh Funk is the author of Lady Pancake & Sir French Toast. Here he shares five of his family’s favorite picture books.