Welcome to the virtual book tour for A Tall Tale: How the Ostriches Got Their Long Necks and Long Legs by Scott Sollers—winner of the Mom’s Choice Award!
Browsing: Books on Jealousy
A Tall Tale: How the Ostriches Got Their Long Necks and Long Legs is a humorous and energetic fable, sure to appeal to family audiences.
Hating Alison Ashley is an incredible piece of Australian fiction to anyone who appreciates a well-written and thought-provoking novel.
I’m the Happiest, by Anna Shuttlewood, is an excellent example of how appreciating the good qualities of others can make you feel good.
Paulette Bogan perfectly describes every child’s egocentric outlook on how a new friend is “only theirs” in Virgil & Owen. Virgil is so happy to find a polar bear named, Owen. He is so excited to have Owen as his new best friend and to have him all to himself.