Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bug by Michelle Chance is a captivating story that introduces very young readers to the magic of science.
Browsing: Nature Studies
From looking and listening to tasting, touching, and smelling, are five kids’ books to help inspire your summer explorations in the great outdoors!
In this interview, Jeff Falyn discusses Who Stole the Bees’ Wings?, the art, and the concept of “little can do big things.”
Emma’s Sunflower is a story about nature, seasons, and growth, but there is also a more profound message hidden within the story, about impermanence.
Flyways is more than just a beautifully illustrated book about birds—it’s also a delightful exploration of how nature and language complement one another.
The My First Science Book About series from Dover Publications offers a wonderful introduction to various scientific topics that are ideal for 8–12-year-old kids.
Trees: A Rooted History is a beautiful, fascinating volume that any young botanist will surely treasure.
For generations, young and grown-up naturalists alike have taken enormous pleasure in observing, recording, and categorizing the infinite variety of nature. Hazel Maskell and Evelin Kasikov’s A Year in Nature and Florence Guiraud’s Wonders of Nature carry on this proud tradition.
Backpack Explorer Beach Walker and Backpack Explorer on the Nature Trail are a fascinating combination of field-guide, textbook, and activity book.
As much of a story about the circle of life as it is a meditation on the natural world, The Big Adventures of Little O highlights how one person can change the world. “It takes one single seed to grow a forest.”