In this interview, we sit down with Laura Pashley, the author behind Dodging Cupcakes, an inspiring middle-grade novel, featuring STEM themes.
Browsing: STEM
Humans have been exploring space since the late 1950s. Here are some favorite recent picture books starring girls in space.
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bug by Michelle Chance is a captivating story that introduces very young readers to the magic of science.
Dodging Cupcakes, by Laura Pashley, is an enjoyable, heartwarming, inspiring middle grade novel, perfect for feel-good Fall reading.
What Is Math Good For, Anyway? is a gently humorous and easy-to-read exploration of practical math, perfect for the classroom.
Dive deep with us as we explore the world of Else B. in the Sea: The Woman Who Painted the Wonders of the Deep by Jeanne Walker Harvey.
Asha and Baz Meet Hedy Lamarr is an enjoyable new addition to the Asha and Baz series with high appeal to readers who love STEM topics such as computer science.
Self-proclaimed science geek, award-winning author, speaker, and teacher, Jennifer Swanson talks about her picture book, Footprints Across the Planet.
Dr. Rosie Helps the Animals, by Jennifer Welborn, is a fun and informative story for teaching young readers about caring for animals.
Reminiscent of the beloved Magic Treehouse series, The Bridge to Sharktooth Island: A Challenge Island STEAM Adventure is packed with STEAM learning.