Patricia O’Connell Pearson is a former history teacher with a B.A. in history and a master’s degree in education. Her nonfiction for ages ten and up—Fly Girls: The Daring American Women Pilots Who Helped Win WWII—was released by Simon and Schuster in February, 2018.
Browsing: Cultural Wisdom
Barry particularly likes nonfiction, and profiling mostly unknown people and events whose stories have never been told in children’s literature. He is the author of The Boo-Boos That Changed the World.
Veera Hiranandani earned her MFA in creative writing at Sarah Lawrence College. She is the author of The Whole Story of Half a Girl, which was named a Sydney Taylor Notable Book and a South Asian Book Award Finalist.
Gloria Chao is an MIT graduate turned dentist turned writer. Here she discusses her debut YA novel American Panda!
Great as both a story and introductory guide to Chinese culture and cuisine, this is an excellent addition to any child’s library.
Winifred Conkling is an award-winning author of fiction and nonfiction for young readers, including Votes for Women! American Suffragists and the Battle for the Ballot.
Popo’s Lucky Chinese New Year, by Virginia Loh-Hagan, is the perfect book to read for Chinese New Year.
My Brigadista Year is the latest middle-grade book from the Newbery Medal-winning author of Bridge to Terabithia, Katherine Paterson. It’s a historical novel that follows a young Cuban teenager as she volunteers for Fidel Castro’s national literacy campaign.
Filled with actual pictures of the white house lawn covered in sheep, as well as unique and interesting pictures of President Wilson and the First Lady, this book does a great job of spanning the historical and the entertaining.
These board books are not only good for toddlers, but for beginner readers as well, as they travel the world without having to leave their bedroom. Let the dreaming begin!