Following in the footsteps of the hilarious first Eudora Space Kid book, The Lobster Tale is just as funny and exciting as its predecessor.
Browsing: Fantasy: Supernatural Fiction
How to Set the World on Fire by T.K. Riggins is enjoyable and uplifting, perfect for fans of traditional fantasy adventures.
Tipani Walker and the Nightmare Knot is one of the best middle-grade adventures out there—don’t pick it up unless you have nothing else to do for the day.
Reminiscent of J.R.R. Tolkien’s stories, The Crowns of Croswald is a thrilling four-book series. The War of the Woods is the last installment.
The Garden Bone is a beautifully written and completely engrossing story, blending scientific fact with roller-coaster fantasy.
Weaving together strands from fantasy, dystopia, and science fiction, Defy the Night is a rollercoaster narrative that touches on concerns of readers.
Featuring smart, resourceful kids and realistic scientific concepts, ARKO: The Dark Union is an adventure novel for sophisticated readers.
A Discovery of Dragons is a breathtakingly exciting story with just the right balance of rigorous scientific content and delightful make-believe.
This novel, City of the Plague God, is not only a gripping read but also a great introduction for readers to modern social issues.
Ajala and the Magical Unicorn Ride is a simple, sweet story about finding one’s inner strength and true self. A lovely story with a lovely message.