The Golden Imaginarium, a sequel to Hither and Nigh, takes the surreal and magical elements of its prequel to new heights, offering a captivating experience.
Browsing: Fantasy: Supernatural Fiction
In our latest podcast episode, Polly Holyoketakes us on a magical journey through the world of her enchanting middle-grade fantasy series, Skyriders.
In this sequel to The Academy for the Unbreakable Arts, Erika Lewis returns readers to the Otherworld for another whirlwind adventure.
Kelcie Murphy and the Academy for the Unbreakable Arts is a well-written, thought-provoking, coming-of-age fantasy novel.
This beautifully written middle-grade novel, Sasquatch, is both a gripping adventure and an absorbing coming-of-age story.
The Three Stones of Ebon is well-written, exciting, and absorbing, perfect for middle-grade and pre-teen lovers of fantasy adventure.
In this captivating interview, David Mello delves into the enchanting world of the novel co-written with Keiko Mello, The Three Stones of Ebon.
The Gold Mystery Adventure is a futuristic adventure with a richly imagined world of underwater cities, metallic monsters, and space travel.
Step into the enchanting realm of Fairy Day Games, a delightful children’s book penned by the imaginative Mari Sherkin! Get ready to be spellbound.
Steeped in a fantasy rendition of Asian culture and mythology, The Guardian Test is a fast-paced, fresh, and riveting twist on fantasy school stories.