Browsing: Social Emotional

As a children’s entertainer, Jimmy Vee has combined his love for kids and passion of children’s books in his rhyming picture book by using his “Same Is Lame” philosophy—a philosophy that is all about self-­‐acceptance and knowing it’s okay to be different, as well as embracing the differences of others.

Just like all of the Captain No Beard stories, The Crew Goes Coconuts is super kid-­‐ friendly with bright illustrations. It contains all of the familiar and favorite characters of books past, plus the introduction of Matie the goat, and fans of the series will enjoy boarding the Flying Dragon once again with all of their old friends.

The National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson Hole, Wy, announced that children’s book author/ illustrator Peter Brown is the recipient of the 2014 Bull-Bransom Award for his 2013 picture book Mr. Tiger Goes Wild. The judges called it “an exceptional tribute to the wild and rambunctious energy in all children” and they praised it for the way the Brown “plays around with the idea of ‘wildlife’ in very visual ways.”