The Children’s Book Review | February 21, 2017
The world is full of disgusting creatures, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t adorable!
What to expect: Non-Fiction, Gross Critters, STEM, Facts
In this exciting new series of non-fiction books, children are taken on an adventure from a bug’s-eye-view.
These adorable books will delight boys and girls with their fun and sassy illustrations. Children will always find gross topics terribly intriguing, and these books do a great job of mixing in humor with the more serious facts. Elise Gravel is a talented author and illustrator, mastering both the prose and the illustrations. My daughter was entranced with the gross little creatures, and loved to learn about their disgusting habits. The illustrations are perfectly cute while still being factually correct. The fly vomiting on his food before digging in is especially gruesome and funny. The facts are at the perfect level (discussing procreation without going in to too much detail for the younger set) and the characters are sassy enough to keep children’s attention. I really appreciated the science and facts behind the stories of each creature. STEM non-fiction books for children can sometimes be dry, but Gravel makes the subject fun. You’ll be reading these books again and again, even if your stomach turns in the process.
Highly recommended for elementary school children.
The Worm
Written and Illustrated by Elise Gravel
We start with THE WORM, a slimy but friendly fellow. First we learn that there are many types of worms, including the ever-popular earthworm, the flatworm and even an epic ribbon worm measuring 115 feet long! We learn lots of fun and disgusting facts that children will love. Did you know that worms are basically one long digestive tract inside a muscle tube?
Ages 6-9 | Publisher: Tundra Books | 2016 | ISBN-13: 978-1101918418
The Rat
Written and Illustrated by Elise Gravel
Next up in our gross adventure is THE RAT. She’s quite an athlete and can squeeze her furry little body into a small hole the size of a quarter (but she’s no good at ballet). Throw in fun facts about their diet of garbage and that they poop in places we like to store our own food, and rats secure their spot as some of the most disgusting, yet interesting creatures, on the planet.
Ages 6-9 | Publisher: Tundra Books | 2016 | ISBN-13: 978-1770496590
The Slug
Written and Illustrated by Elise Gravel
THE SLUG is a slimy critter for sure, but did you know that he even uses his slime as a defense mechanism? They also digest decaying plant and animal matter and add nutrients back to our soil. He’s a useful part of our ecosystem.
Ages 6-9 | Publisher: Tundra Books | 2016 | ISBN-13: 978-1770496569
The Fly
Written and Illustrated by Elise Gravel
Last up is THE FLY, a disgusting creature if we’ve ever seen one. He loves to eat garbage (but first he vomits on it to soften it up!) and even enjoys the occasional poo treat. He can spread disease easily because he walks on garbage and then your kitchen table. Truly a disgusting critter for the ages!
Ages 6-9 | Publisher: Tundra Books | 2016 | ISBN-13: 978-1101918401
You may also enjoy: The Spider, Head Lice, and The Toad.
The Disgusting Critters Series, by Elise Gravel was reviewed by Denise Mealy. Discover more books like the Disgusting Critters Series by following along with our reviews and articles tagged with Learning To Read, Math, and Rhyming Text.
1 Comment
How fun! And gross (the slug especially
) My daughters would love these. Thanks