10 Trending Kids’ Book and Literacy Articles
Book reviews and book lists for all ages, literacy tips, and book giveaways! Here are the top ten list of kids’ books and literacy articles that have been the most read on The Children’s Book Review over the past month.
Book Reviews And Recommendations Preschool To Elementary Ages 4 8 Saving Dr Warren A True Patriot | Awareness Tour Book Reviews And Recommendations Preteen And Tween Ages 9 12 Book Reviews and Recommendations Infant and Toddler Age Children Ages 0 3 The Best New Christmas Books of 2020 Mightier Than the Sword | Awareness Tour Imaras Tiara by Susan R Stoltz and Melissa Bailey | Book Giveaway Chapter Books and Novels for Teens and Young Adult Readers Ages 12+ Darth Vader and Son by Jeffery Brown Mia and Anthony and the Hidden Treasures A Big Brave Heart | Book Giveaway
1. Book Reviews And Recommendations: Preschool To Elementary, Ages 4-8
Did You Know That You Could Boost Your Preschool Or Elementary Child’s Intelligence Simply By Ensuring That Reading Books Is A Part Of Their Day-To-Day Life?
2. Saving Dr. Warren. . . A True Patriot | Awareness Tour
This historical-fiction novel rips through the pages of history! From the Revolutionary War to the vanishing veterans of World War II, to the ashes of September 11, 2001, Saving Dr. Warren demonstrates to both old and young that patriotism, standing like an old oak tree on a grandfather’s farm, has and will endure.
3. Book Reviews And Recommendations: Preteen And Tween, Ages 9-12
With Maturity Developing And A Wide Range Of Reading Abilities Among Preteens And Tweens, Middle-Grade Novels (Books For Ages 9 And Up) Begin To Soar With Well-Developed Fantastical Worlds, A Gentle Increase In The Complexities Of Social And Emotional Plot Developments, Smaller Fonts, And More Pages.
4. Book Reviews and Recommendations: Infant and Toddler Age Children, Ages 0-3
Reading to our kids has never been more important than now. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends through policy that pediatricians consult parents on the importance of reading aloud to children during the early years. A jump-start on reading is a jump-start on language comprehension.
5. The Best New Christmas Books of 2020
Each year a flurry of new Christmas books deck the shelves and spice up the holiday season! Here are our favorites of the year—the best new Christmas books of 2020—that spread the magic of Christmas with heartfelt tales, classic holiday cheer, and sleighs full of fun!
6. Mightier Than the Sword | Awareness Tour
Wildly funny and inventive, this interactive series pulls you, the reader, into the action. Yes, YOU! Readers and reviewers praise Mightier for being “wholly original,” “in a category all its own,” “not like any book I’ve ever read before,” and “an experience like no other.”
7. Imara’s Tiara, by Susan R. Stoltz and Melissa Bailey | Book Giveaway
Susan R. Stoltz and Melissa Bailey’s Imara’s Tiara sparkles with great facts about giraffes, lots of interesting information about being a zoologist, and gorgeous illustrations!
8. Chapter Books and Novels for Teens and Young Adult Readers, Ages 12+
Discover the best books and novels for young adult readers and teens through our curated collection of books.
9. Darth Vader and Son by Jeffery Brown
What if Darth Vader took an active role in raising his son? What if “Luke, I am your father” was just a stern admonishment from an annoyed dad? In this hilarious and sweet Star Wars® comics reimagining, Darth Vader is a dad like any other—except with all the baggage of being the Dark Lord of the Sith.
10. Mia and Anthony and the Hidden Treasures: A Big, Brave Heart | Book Giveaway
A Big Brave Heart tells the exciting story of what happens when twins, Mia and Anthony, dress up as superheroes for the day. The brother and sister think they are only play-acting but soon discover that they are real heroes, despite having all the fears and worries of typical young children.
For more children’s book trends, you can follow along with all of our articles tagged with Book Trends and be sure to check out our Book Giveaways category.